New Warehouse Project

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34 Warehouses

Commercial property description

In contrast to private land, commercial or industrial properties are located on commercial land. Municipalities advertise these special areas as commercial or industrial sites and they are usually placed in the land use plan where they have the least impact on residential areas.

Commercial and industrial areas

A distinction can now be made between a commercial area and an industrial area. A commercial area has only a minor impact on its surroundings. Examples are office buildings, retail areas, petrol stations and warehouses. The noise and odour pollution is significantly lower in a commercial area as compared to an industrial area. In the case of heavy industrial production sites, not only these but also the hazards for a residential area are significantly higher. Industrial areas are connected to heavy traffic and often to rail traffic. The environmental regulations are significantly higher here. The building regulations are determined by the valid development plan and regulated by the German Land Utilization Ordinance (BauNVO).

Location factors and requirements for a commercial property

A company should select the optimal commercial property according to the needs and requirements of its business, taking into account the location factors. A basic distinction can be made between hard and soft location factors. The hard location factors are, for example, the geographical location, infrastructure, transport connections and availability of skilled workers. The soft factors could be, for example, the appearance of the region or city. Depending on the company and the sector, there are different weightages of the factors according to which decisions are made.

Commercial property / real estate is used by companies and can generally be divided into four types of corporate real estate: Logistics properties, production properties, transformation properties and business parks.

Location factors for logistics property

The question of location is particularly important for logistics properties. Due to globalisation and the associated changes in production facilities and flows of goods, different transport routes are required today. This creates the challenge of optimising transport times and costs through the choice of location and establishing proximity to producers and consumers. In addition to the hard location factors described above, a possible 24-hour operation, available expansion areas, building height (e.g. high-bay warehouse) and the permitted night-time sound power level are of particular importance here.

From the perspective of the owner, investor or operator of logistics property, the following factors are important for the optimum location:

  • Trimodal connection (motorway, rail, water)
  • Location (municipality, region) should be logistics-orientated
  • Logistics agglomeration on site (e.g. freight villages (GVZ))
  • Land reserves should be available
  • Existing building rights
  • Possibility of implementing a logistics park concept
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