Federal State


Here you can get a direct overview of Saxony as a logistics location.

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Warehouses in Saxony

At LAGERflaeche.de you can conveniently search for warehouse space in Saxony using our free map search and search mask services. The map search is helpful for specific searches for contract logistics solutions, existing properties or land. For a complete overview of the offers we have on file, we recommend the search mask. At LAGERflaeche.de you can quickly and easily find suitable warehouse space for your needs.

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22 Warehouses

Saxony as a logistics location

Alongside the automotive industry and microelectronics, mechanical and plant engineering and environmental technology are among the core sectors of industry in Saxony. The demand for logistics services is high and the sector is characterised by strong growth. Since many internationally active corporations such as BMW, Porsche, VW or the Niles-Simmons-Hegenscheidt Group are based here, almost all the top logistics companies can also be found at the local sites. The spectrum ranges from Dachser and DSV to Kühne + Nagel and CEVA.

The potential for logistics companies with regard to Europe-wide distribution is high, not least because of the optimal geographical location. The logistics sector in and around Leipzig is particularly dynamic. DHL is a good example of the city's locational advantages: the logistics company relocated its air freight hub from Brussels to Saxony's most populous city in order to perfect European transports. The so-called DHL Hub Leipzig is the most modern air freight hub in Europe.

Thanks to excellent networking through the Netzwerk Logistik Leipzig-Halle e.V. as well as the Silicon Saxony e.V. association, the most diverse players in Saxon logistics are in contact to bundle know-how and advance the entire industry. Logistics specialists also benefit from a good starting position with regard to the supply of skilled workers. Universities in the state produce well-trained specialists. In addition, Saxony is known as an IT location and regularly produces innovations in the field of logistics through continuous research. The innovative strength of Saxon logistics is particularly evident in digital fleet, warehouse and supply chain management.

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Federal State of Saxony

Infrastructure in Saxony

Saxony's infrastructure is in an excellent position. The three freight villages (GVZ) Leipzig, Dresden and Southwest Saxony make the state an extremely attractive logistics location. The GVZ Leipzig has a trimodal connection. Not only is Leipzig / Halle airport in the immediate vicinity, but it also has its own railway siding with terminal and container depot, which bring many advantages. In addition, there are connections to the A 9 and A 14 motorways. A decentralised structure benefits residents at the GVZ Südwestsachsen. The core modules of Glauchau, Chemnitz and Zwickau are directly connected by rail and road. The location also has two international airports. Cargo liners can be handled 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for example at Leipzig / Halle Airport. The transit times of intercontinental deliveries can be significantly reduced from here with connections to Los Angeles and Hong Kong.

In addition to the two airports Leipzig / Halle and Dresden, the three Elbe ports Riesa, Torgau and Dresden as well as the well-developed rail and road network ensure a wide range of logistical activities. The road network is almost 13,600 kilometres long, of which about 565 kilometres are motorways. It is one of the best developed in the Federal Republic of Germany. Two of the most important European roads (E 40 France/Kazakhstan and E 55 Sweden/Greece) intersect in the state capital. The railway network is 2,600 km long and is again one of the densest in Europe. The inland ports ensure the state's connection with seaports in northern Germany and thus guarantee the link to international maritime trade.

Warehouses, halls & contract logistics in Saxony

Saxony is perfectly suited for sophisticated logistics services due to its ideal infrastructure and individual commercial sites. The local demand is there and the opportunities offered by 24-hour operation are also boosting the market.  Especially in the field of packaging and supply logistics as well as production-synchronous assembly and sequencing services, Saxony has tailor-made logistics solutions up its sleeve. Find the best possible warehouse space for your logistics project in Saxony now.

Other cities and districts in Saxony

Warehouse Dresden
Warehouse Weißenberg
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